On Wednesday, I had the pleasure of attending the inaugural Agile Tampa meeting at the Microsoft office in Tampa. They had the guys from a local Agile company – AgileThought there giving an introduction to Agile. While it had a lot of Scrum in it, they did a decent job of introducing the crowd –…
One possible fix for slow wireless on OSX?
On Thursday I picked up a shiny new MacBook Pro. Having been a Windows/Linux guy for, well, ever (not counting all that DOS stuff), it’s been an interesting experience. One negative that I ran into was very slow wireless connectivity. Being that we have two other computers, an iPod Touch and my XV6700 all connecting…
Tampa Scrum Mailing list started
This evening at the Tampa Scrum get-together, we discovered there are a *lot* of people in the Tampa Bay area who are learning and interested in Scrum. While next week is the first Agile Tampa meeting, I wanted to gauge interest in a Tampa Bay Scrum Group. So I’ve created a mailing list over on…
Debugging a .NET Windows Service that is crashing on Startup
This afternoon I was working on some code that I don’t have the developer around for. Part of the app is a windows service which fires up a server to listen for incoming connections. I could see from the log file that we were getting an AddressNotAvailable exception, but I didn’t understand why. I had…
Scrum Happy Hour in Tampa on June 12th
Mike Vizdos from Implementing Scrum is going to be in Tampa teaching a ScrumMaster training course this week. The course is full, but the group is planning a Happy Hour for Thursday evening at Bar Louie at International Plaza starting at 6pm. Nothing formal, just networking with local Scrum people over drinks. For more information,…
Two Great Articles not to Miss
This week I’ve come across two great articles you don’t want to miss. The first is from the great Mitch Lacey on why your stand-ups should ask 4 questions instead of 3. It’s a very insightful article into what happens when communication breaks down. Speaking of break downs, I found an older article discussing highly…
My kind of Job!
I recently saw an add for a “Universe Developer” on Craigslist. Some choice snippets (with my comments in italics): “Direct Hire position- NO Contractors” Only people in for the long haul need apply “Design and develop new universes and make modifications to existing universes.” This one sure could use some help, but new universes?! “Recommend…
R.I.P. Bo Diddley
Several years ago my wife and I got the chance to see Bo Diddley in concert here in Tampa. It was a great – if interesting – show. Being a musician and getting to hear greats like Bo, Eric Clapton, Tom Petty, and B.B. King that have influenced not just you, but also the others…
AgileFlorida.com launched
Picture yourself on a warm beach – margarita (or Shirley Temple) in one hand, laptop in the other, test-driving the next big thing. That’s what life is like every day for those of us in the great Sunshine State. Or not. But we still have a lot to offer, and since many of the agile…
Unit Testing Equals and HashCode of Java Beans
We’ve been creating several Java Beans that have an imperative need to have both equals and hashCode working correctly. To do this, we started off writing a series of test cases which made sure that for every field we exposed that the objects were / were not equal based on if the field was set,…