I don’t think anyone can top the email that came across one of our internal mailing lists: Please tell me how to install “agile software” in my machine
Category: General
The iPod Pea
Michael Eakes has a great article up about the new iPod pea. Touting it as a major accomplishment to get the music player to just larger than the headphone jack, there isn’t much that I couldn’t see Apple really doing with that device. Great article!
Recovering deleted emails from Thunderbird
So tonight I was switching around some windows, and accidently managed to delete (shift-delete nonetheless) all the emails from my inbox in one of my accounts. This is a lot of email, and while I had some older backups, I hoped that maybe I could restore them (even from a shift-delete). The first thing that…
Because I had to…
After seeing Ron’s post, and really having nothing better to do on New Year’s Eve, I discovered that I agree there must be a bug in this test: If only I had used Lynx to take the test!
Compiling XSL stylesheets to IL
In my last post, I talked about the new XslCompiledTransform class in .NET 2.0. It’s very cool, and seems to be very fast once it is loaded. There’s just problem. What if you have more than one stylesheet? I have a customer who builds their site using XML->HTML XSL Transformations, and they have around 200…
Improving the performance of XslCompiledTransform
In .NET 2.0, people may have noticed that the new recommended way of doing XSL transformations is now System.Xml.Xsl.XslCompiledTransform. And they may be tempted to do something like the following: public string Transform(string xml, string xsl){ System.IO.StringWriter writer = new System.IO.StringWriter(); System.Xml.Xsl.XslCompiledTransform t = new System.Xml.Xsl.XslCompiledTransform(); XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings(); XmlReader xmlReader = XmlReader.Create(new System.IO.StringReader(xml)); XmlReader xslReader = XmlReader.Create(new…
Switching to [Vista|Vs2k5|New Things]
This morning on Slashdot they have a story about CIOs’ First Impressions about Vista. Similar to other stories, they focus on how long companies are waiting to roll out Vista. The problem is that this isn’t unique to Vista – or Microsoft. I’ve worked for companies doing Java, Ruby, ColdFusion, ASP and .NET. We’ve had…
Installing Team Explorer for VSTF without the VSTF DVD
On my recent post about Finding Team Explorer someone asked about how to get it when all they have is the VSTD (Visual Studio Team Developer) DVD. Basically Visual Studio shipped before TFS, so the client isn’t on those DVDs. However, you can get it from our download center. CodePlex, Microsoft’s new code sharing site,…
Bowling revisted
Last week, I was onsite with a customer, and we were discussing Test-Driven Development. Actually, we were discussing the Unit Testing features of Team System, but since a lot of the books talk about TDD with the Unit Tests, the conversation wandered into it. To talk about it, I whipped out the bowling example. I…
About Microsoft posts…
Last night I was chatting with a good friend of mine in D.C. and he said that he was reading through this site, and saw stuff about Ruby, and Agile, and TDD, and then, Microsoft, Microsoft, Microsoft, Microsoft. Well, duh. ;) Actually, yes, I’m sure that this blog will have more Microsoft stuff than it…