This evening I did an online presentation for the Ft. Lauderdale .NET User’s Group on DataDude Visual Studio Team Edition for Database Professionals Visual Studio Team System Database Edition showing how you can use the refactoring, testing and data generation features to do Test-Driven Development in your SQL Server Databases. I’ve put the slides (which…
Tag: c#
Find the Bug – C# and Infinite Loops with Collections
See if you can spot the problem with the following C# code: var list = new List { “fish”, “and”, “chips” }; for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { list.Add(list[i].ToUpper()); } As the title points out, this will cause an infinite loop, and will eat up all of your memory. What happens...
DotNet Koans
For quite a while now, if you want to learn Ruby, you have the Pickaxe book, Why’s guide, and the fabulous Edgecase Ruby Koans on GitHub. The Koans are especially interesting because all you really need to do is setup a working environment and go. It tells you what you need to do next, by…
C# Design Patterns
Do you know C#? Do you know Design Patterns? Do you know Design Patterns in C#? Well, heck, you just know everything, don’t ya! For quite a while, there has been a C# Design Patterns Group headed up by Damon Carr. It took a hiatus for a while, but is back in fashion. If you…