As I mentioned in an earlier post, I’ve been helping some fine developers port over FIT from Java to C#. The SpreadsheetRunner is part of that, but there are other core ones that SpreadsheetRunner inherits from, namely CustomRunner and MakeParse. Since I could find the existing unit tests for those I gave it the ol’…
Category: General
TDDing an Excel Spreadsheet
Last week a renewed interest came up on the Fitnesse list about getting a .NET port running. Several people had started various bits, and all decided to try to come together to get it running. As part of that, I threw in my hat and got assigned to get FolderRunner (meaning SpreadsheetRunner) working. Basically this…
XP and Risk Taking
On the XP list, Dominic Williams wrote in with: I don’t want to give the impression of dodging your questions, so I’ll contribute what I can below. However, are you or your boss assuming that if XP or Agile has been done before in a similar company, it is somehow less risky for you to…
We’ve finally finished the move into our new offices at work. Friday was an absolute madhouse. We cut off the servers at noon, packed them up in my truck and carted them over to the new space while the movers ripped down all the cubes and loaded the boxes. The new server room is a…
Recently, Ken Boucher brought up a term on the Maverick Software newsgroup: Serviceability. He defined it as such: What’s serviceable?Serviceable is the Holy Grail as found in Indiana Jones and theLast Crusade. It’s meatball surgery from M*A*S*H 4077. It’sa picnic table. It’s breakfast at 8pm in the kind of diner thatyou just can’t find anymore…
Weekly Nuggets – 9/16/05-9/30/05
(Two weeks worth to make up for the trip to D.C. Speaking of travelling – I’ll be in Vegas October 10th-14th if anyone wants to get together) “Some of the world’s greatest feats were accomplished by people not smart enough to know they were impossible.”(Doug Larson) “People who have the ability gain buy-in aren’t the…
Charlotte Extreme Programming Group
Well, I was tired of wondering if anyone else in Charlotte was doing XP, and since it looks like the XPDay conference helped push our company in that direction, I’ve started up a Charlotte XP group. Hang on to your hats – I’m going to light an XP fire yet around here!
XP Day 2005 – Washington, D.C.
(Edit: Corrected the name of the conference and the organizers of the event, thanks to J.B.’s feedback. Sorry!) Today was XP Day DC 2005. We’re on the plane back right now, and I wanted to recap my thoughts on it while I’ve still got it fresh in my mind. The conference, put together by Diaspar…
Test Driving UIs / MVP Part 2 – User Stories
In Part 1 I discussed a hypothetical realty company who needs a new application for their business. They’ve decided to go ahead with the app, and so we are about ready to start development. With the general requirements in hand, we work with the customers to create user stories for their application. We get the…
Weekly Nuggets – 9/9/05-9/16/05
“That was back when I thought simple rules sufficed.”(Kent Beck) “Take “test before code”, for example. It’s a nice simple rule. However, in practice I find that sometimes I just can’t think of how to test, so I code anyway. Often I discover I really could have tested but I didn’t realize it until later….