This evening I did an online presentation for the Ft. Lauderdale .NET User’s Group on
DataDude Visual Studio Team Edition for Database Professionals Visual Studio Team System Database Edition showing how you can use the refactoring, testing and data generation features to do Test-Driven Development in your SQL Server Databases. I’ve put the slides (which include screenshots from all of the demos) up online (PDF), or you can view it on SlideShare. Enjoy!
Update: The presentation was recorded, and is available here: No meeting key is required.
Test Driven Database Development With Data Dude
View more presentations from Cory Foy.
Hey Cory, awesome presentation. I was in the meeting tonight and got lots of valuable information from it. Do you know if the meeting recording will be posted?
Yeppers. The presentation is available at I’ve updated the post above to reflect that. I’ll see if I can pull it down and upload it to Vimeo as well.
Great! Thanks Cory