Tomorrow night I’m going to be presenting at the Agile Tampa meeting on Test-Driven Development, Model-View Presenter and Fitnesse, all in a nice 75-minute bite-sized chunk. I’ll have a co-presenter with Michael Russo, the fearless leader of the Agile Tampa group and a complete TDD newbie. We’ll even have free food!
If you are coming, please note it is *NOT* at the MSFT office this month. The official address is 1410 N. Westshore Blvd, Suite 400, Tampa, FL. There will be signs out helping direct you in. Pizza’s at 6pm, session starts at 6:30pm.
If you can’t make it out for this, there are several good TDD/BDD/DDD sessions going on at the Tampa Code Camp being held this Saturday, so don’t miss those.