So, in yesterday’s post, I mentioned a story that happened. Well, not so much happened, but I wish they had this in the states.
While I was out walking, I ran across what looked like a small collection of stores. Going in, I discovered it was a 5 story mall, complete with bowling alley and skyway to a second 5-story mall. Anyway, while walking around in there looking for something neat for my daughter, I came across a wooden toy that looked perfect – except it looked like it had little toys with it. Upon closer examination I discovered it was this:
Yes, “The Attacker & Viruses”, placed right next to, I am not making this up, “Emo’s Mail Hub”. Yes, folks, this is a playset which replicates our faithful network admin, Emo, defending his email hub against the nasty viruses riding in on a wooden worm.
But, if that’s not enough, they combine it into one easy to buy full playset!
I really, really, really almost bought this. Except that, being on the road all the time it would just sit in my office not getting the proper attention such a toy as this deserves.
I do know that I have got to find the company that makes these (Brio is my guess) and see if they sell these, or any other cool toys, state side.
And, for the record, I ended up getting a teddy bear for Annabelle. I figure I’m going to wait until she’s at least a year old before introducing the networking concepts. ;)
Was it this teddy you brought home?
Fantastic. You can find them on the Brio website. I’m only slightly dubious because some of the components require batteries and make electronic noises, which seems slightly against the Brio ethos. Also I’m not sure I want my son to grow up to be a network admin….