Things have been quiet on this front – we’re expecting our first child any day (literally, today is her due date), so we’ve been busy with preperations for that. I’ve also been trying to finish up some dev projects around here, and some cool stuff is going on with that:
- I’ve been working hard on getting NUnit and Mono playing nicely, and can now say that we have all of the tests that aren’t Mono bugs passing on Mono/Linux. This is very cool, and means that we should be able to release the next version of NUnit with all tests passing on Linux and Windows.
- My coworker James Carr posted a link to a good testing patterns site
- I’ve just finished reading Practices of an Agile Developer (great book) and have been going through Ajax Hacks and Pragmatic Ajax
- Finally, if anyone knows of any XP or Agile Groups in Florida, let me know. I have a friend who is looking for some Agile organizations down there and hasn’t had much luck so far.
Oh, and be sure to check our web site for up to minute news on the new baby. ;) (And wish Philip Dodds, the man who is now behind the Charlotte JUG since I moved to MO, on the birth of their baby who should be here by now. ;)