I admit it. I play Halo 2. On XBox Live nonetheless. And while, yes, most of the people are indeed teenagers (or younger) who think it is cool to say stupid things, it is a lot of fun being able to play with some of my friends from Florida.
However, like any popular game, there are always “secrets” that abound. One of particular note on Halo 2 is called the “Golden Warthog.” The Warthog is a Hummer/Jeep like vehicle that has a driver, a rider and a gunner manning a vehicle-mounted machine gun. But apparantly there is a magical way you can find a Gold-colored one in one of the levels. While perusing the net about it, I found what was probably one of the best instructions ever given for the finding of a secret in a game.
Pure, pure genius. WaMbUlAnCe, I applaud you.
yea thers too many stupid noobs who say stuff out there today. like that rumor in GTA:SA that thers a bigfoot in the woods and it was tottaly fake. i hate noobs like this
man why do yall have to bash people who just want to have fun with the game maybe there just exploring and happen to find it. And for a fact i have seen the bigfoot on GTA san andreas you have to walk out in the woods bye the mexican girls cabin for like 15 min and youll find it he doesnt do ne thing he just walks. stupid fags just leave us people alone that want to have fun findind glithches in the games you stupid douches.
I’m not sure if the bigfoot thing in GTA:S.A. is true, but i read a article in Tips N Tricks that said that it wasn’t true, that it is only an optical illusion or somethig like that. I’ll have read it again and see.Also the person who wrote the article interviewed a Rockstar game developer.
Im glad somebody finally realizes the truth… I played a game on the Halo 2 stage Headlong and the people in their kept telling me you could get a “golden warthhog.” Hopefully those people will read your site.
What in the hell is the damn truth about the “””””GOLDEN WARTHOG””””!!!!DAMN BITCHES!!
i did everything. i threw my x-box out the window and hit it 20 times with a hammer. i didn’t look at it in the eye because i couldn’t find the eye. i had to buy 2 new x-box’s in 3 hours. i’m pissed
I Darkness
wait i messed up
I meant hi Darkness
u idieot there is a golden a warthog. i have one of the head mod. guys at bungie show me the warthog. and don’t think i don’t relize that the grammer is horrible. and i know i spelled idieot wrong.!!!
Listen no one knows if the golden warthog is true or not. Have you heard of the infinite grenades on Acension? Bungie took it out with the autoupdate. In Headlong, me and a few of my buddies scowered the map for two hours and we found a 10 page stack of ecidence pointing towards an actual golden warthog, or just a hologram like the ATV hologram in Zanzibar Cave on Zanzibar. Just look aroung Headlong, the evidence is staggering.
this is boring i love cheese
i like cheese too
i love you darkness
You are one gay perve
i’m not dead
that wasn`t me
darkness are u there?
I want to fart but i am constapated
i like cheese
take Gas X
billy bob joe frank jr. III
Oh wait there isn`t a mole growing on my ass
The Golden hog is a load of BS there is no such thing that is as fake as the mole growing on my ass
you have a mole growing on your ass
my computer is slow
Did you not read the second note i wrote
darkness where are you?
Black hawk are yopu there
don’t worry my love i am here
don’t worry my love i am here
i love chatrooms
YOu prevert
who is anonymous
i don’t know but i do know one thing
u can’t type
at least it doesn`t take me five hours to type bitch
i’m not talking to u anonymous
Stop writing anonymous
darkness you can’g type!
A-N-O-N-Y-M-O-U-S i splelt tou wordz rite
Can`g ins`t a word Black Hawk
is to
I am going to go skate board Black Hawk good bye
Slow poke
I don’t care if the golden warthog is real or not, I think it is so if anyone knows how to get it send me a friend request
Gamertag: Saville
P.S. (I am a different anonymous)
I ave just one thing to say. GO HERE!!!!! http://www.putfile.com/media.php?n=goldenwarthog
people tell me that the door on headlong on the bridge is were it is they sAY u need 16 people to shoot at it to break it and i was there with all my friends shooting for 2 hours and NOTHING HAPPENED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know how to get it, but it takes WWAAAYYY too long to type It
This was a wast of time to read
the goldenworthog exsits can i prove it one day mabey but the fiels are there they are just hidden just as hackeres have said there is no fiel on the scareb gun but ppl hav used it and seen it but the fiels are hiddenit mabey has hav certin time or date just like the zanzibar signs i no my share of hacking the fiel has to exist for the moder to make it cause u dont see moders with flametrowers do u cause the original fiel was scraped shotys shoting rockets are just missed match fiels of rockets and shot guns the fiel exists or u cant make it
even if ppl say it dont exist the fiel is there dont beleave them it proble a missed matched fiel just like the moders use but one day ill prove it just like other stuf ppl still havnt found i no about
you were almost right dude you got the shoot it with 16 people but you got to do it with rockets and you have to do it with perfect acuracy nuthing lest they all have to hit in the center of the door at the exact same time and the people shooting have to be standing in a perfect line parallel and facing the door once you get it open theres a room that looks like a showroom and the hog is on a in the middel of the room fasing the inside of the billbord. you hop in and drive out by goin throught the billbord. i know theres alot of scepticle people out there but i dont care its true iv done it several times. suer its very diffecult but it works. if you have the patiance try it. my gamertag is dragonfire 644
i got the warthog hoes and u can send me a friend request and theres 3 ways 1 shoot the door with 15 and have one person walking backwards with all of the rocks hitting him 2get the yellow tank of water and put it ontop of the garage and bust it and the hogs in it 3 butterfly to the building with the poles sticking out of it and there is a switch on top of it BITCHES!!!!
I just have a few last words to add, if u check this putfile site and you see the golden warthog..watch closely. I have no life, so I studied the video 13 times. If you watch he passes a banshee colored like the one in single player showing that he has a modded xbox…so, in conclusion, u can’t get the golden warthog without a modded xbox. Gamertag= PAT THE WISE I hope that clears it all up 4 ya’ll
Besides all u that try that 16 people rocket crap, I have glitch finding friends that have provingly tested this theory, they taped it and showed it to me…so please don’t be faggots and make this crap up….. PAT THE WISE again…
holy crap u know how to get the golden warthog??send xkillac a friend request.
The golden warthog may be possible to get…but, no one yet knows how to get it, so stop making up stories. If someone knew how to get it there would be videos of people SHOWING you how to get it, not showing you the warthog.
btw, I’m PAT THE WISE….PAT THE WISE—Master Pat, makes sense doesn’t it?
there is no warthog i saw a vedio and i still don belive it because some pll say it can fit ******** number plll and some say 4 plll and a sniper rifle turret i don get it in the vedio i saw a GOLDEN warthog w/ 4 seats and i thought it was invinscalbe but the guy distroyed it w/ 3 hits w/ the sword and he died to it don make sense
♦I have heard on game faqs that there is a big secert when you get all the skulls. what should happen is when you get the skuls in order there should be a wierd looking square thing in colossus when you shoot is you get a message and you will here a voice(cant remember what he says but ends in “hand grenade”) i have not tyird this my self. iwould not waste time on it.I have also heard that there is a golden banshe is this true.♦
♦I have heard on game faqs that there is a big secert when you get all the skulls. what should happen is when you get the skuls in order there should be a wierd looking square thing in colossus when you shoot is you get a message and you will here a voice(cant remember what he says but ends in “hand grenade”) i have not tyird this my self. iwould not waste time on it.I have also heard that there is a golden banshe is this true.♦
ok the golden warthog is real all you have to do is get 16 people on the map with the golden warthog billboard and they should all have rockets with them tell them to all shoot the billboard at the same time HEY that includes you man then when you all shoot it at the same time it should apear on that under construction building if it does not then your doing something wrong
can someone just make a freakin viedo of them gettin it
OK, I don’t care what you noobs have to say, the golden warthog is real.. I have seen it and I have seen videos of players driving it. it is not that hard to get. All you need to do is get 16 people on headlong and have them all shoot in the center of the garage door ontop of the bridge.. they all must be standing in a paralell line facing the door and everybody has to be sanchronized.. shooting at the exact same time, that’s it. not hard.. have fun. bye bye
there in no golden wart hog. some one modded there xbox and made a vid of it .morons.
kekee there is no switch on top of those points i went up there with my friend nothing is there u liar
ok now iv read too much have any of u guys went on hih and saw my vids because if u did then u will see that the g hog is real and no i did not mod and if u want to see it for your self just add me to your friends lst my gamertag is huntingfish just to show u guys that it is true.
Waz up
dont u have to like have 16 ppl on headlong on the slayer game: slayer that u start out on and all shoot the billbord of the warthog or somthing?
ye i know a way 2 get a golden warthog on headlong and a pink banshee on waterworks and a green tank on coagulation and open a portal to hell on coagulation. so if ya wanna know dem send me a freind reqest Deano321. but keep it quiet my dad told me not to tell anyone.
ok the golden watrhog, unless i’m proven otherwise beyond a reasonable point, is fake. You don’t even need a modded xbox to make that video you just shoot a regualr video and edit it on your computer and boom golden warthog.
and yes im anonymous but im better than the other 1’s
yomothr fuckers i got the golden hog wut u do get 16 ppl in 1 room have starting wepons rockets and fire all around the golden hog pic and then it pops out here is a link to the web site i did it from
yea hes right i did it that way too man that web site is good
golden hog real GTA bigfoot not real
Listen up to get golden hog go to Headlong get the golden water bucket on top of the garage with the blue sqare on top of it.
Hi if any one wants to see how to get the golden warthog just send me a friend invite. its really not all that hard once u no how to do it. My gamertag is IsniperyourI.
also if you want i can show u how to get a flying tank, and ghost that shoots rockets.
I no that ull all say its a load of bs but just trust me send me a friend invite and ill happily proove it.
Oh and I forgot one thing. theres also the scarab gun on top of the level.
ok look if u got a video of it then put it up on http://www.powerweapons.com or some other site if not then stfu and thats all i got ta say.
by the way sum 1 sed theres a notice board (i dont no were this is just wat he sed) and if u shoot around the golden warthhog and not the warthhog itself itll appear
there is one fags http://media.putfile.com/goldenhog
Hi if any one wants to see how to get the golden warthog just send me a friend invite. its really not all that hard once u no how to do it. My gamertag is IsniperyourI.
also if you want i can show u how to get a flying tank, and ghost that shoots rockets.
I no that ull all say its a load of bs but just trust me send me a friend invite and ill happily proove it.
hey dude i sent you a friend invite but your gt is not valid
if you can send me one my gt is teenhellboy15
guys i no alot about the gold warhog. i dont have xbox live but i no a couple real easy ways to get it ,so talk
i have IM but its not working right now tell me ure guys IM names
my aol name is teenhellboy15
I think the golden wothog is true and I think I know how to get it.ok what you have to do is get rockets and a sord and sord cansle to the highest billding on the left side and ones you do that there will be a golden little box it wont say to press x it wont say any thing just go up to it and press x and ones you go down there by the dore with the big 6 on it it will be opened and there is where you get the golden or yellow hog.
I HAVE DRIVEN THE GOLDEN WARTHOG!!!! but it takes a long time to get it.it is faster then the normal warthog. BUT ITS FUN TO SPALTER PEOPLE WITH IT!!!!
Well I was on for about 6 or more hours me and 2 friends got onto every building. No such “Golden Box” Tried one of the videos concepts UH UH no golden hog so all we got left is the “water barrel” concept we’ll see what happens ;) update soon.
ok…there IS a golden banshee on the last level..maybe there IS a golden warthog
who gives a shiznit about some stupid golden warthod or banshee ur all a bunch of dush bags, waste ur time finding some usefull glitches
my xbox live isn’t working right now… can someone just email me a vid showing how to ge the godlen warthog?
by the way my email is ryan_behr@yahoo.com
p.s. i am a different anonymous
Dude you think it’s fake wel here are the real instructions…for the non n00bs who don’t wanna throw or hit there xbox
hey guys if you wanna know how to get the golden warthog listen up. If you wanna get it in campaign then get to the top of metropolis hotel it will be there. Also, if you wanna get it in Headlong then you have to get a normal warthog and drive it into the side of the edge where the banshee spawns and then you gotta get a wraith and launch the warthog with a guy in it. While the wraith lanches the hog up in the sky get out of the wraith and shoot a rocket right at the hog in the sky by locking onto it. make the driver get outa the hog and shoot at it right away. When the hog blows up and spawns back it turns from grey to golden right before your eyes.
my tag is taz596
well i found the golden warthog and all and my xbox is not wrecked!!! and also i have gone on the cranes in head long etc so it is real
alright losers who make up bs. listen up. there is a golden wart hog. ive been in it. u dont have to go shootin shit at any hog. ive driven it. there are 2 ways
1)shoot the sighn wit 16 ppl wir rokets and 2) get on the highest building forgot which 1 and there is a button press x and it will fall BUT if u want it to fly and shoot pinnaples go in it and go to any area where u would usually die if u step on and drive it on that.
thats the way u do it losers
my gamer tag if fidelo if u wana find out how to do it
go on this site if u want to c the golden wart hog and a cool mini car
seriously, there is no golden warthog. And whoever said modders couldn’t find the scarab gun in the game must have been talking to retards. That gun is literally labeled scarab_gun_handheld in the map. When you mod, you use programs that access tabs in the map. There is a tab for EVERY SINGLE thing in the map, and not only is there no golden warthog tab, there is no skin for a golden warthog. No skin, no warthog. I’ve checked.
thank you Anonymous! ( i think it was you ) but i watched this clip of this guy get the golden warthog and it was so cool, and if you listen in the backround you can hear the golden warthog hit the ground ontop of the bridge, the he goes and looks at it and drives it around…I NEW IT WAS REAL!!
yeah tht comment ahead of me is alex b a.k.a $ACB$ ( myself ) and yeah tht movie is so cool i almost pooted my panties so get the link from the comment above this one and watch it…you will be amazed
im sceptic if you would like to prove this to me send a reqest to rise aginst
that is fukin retarded i mean i can easly get it by super jumpin with my freinds and getting to the button
umm please i wanna find the goldern warhog that atcually works and not on xbox live and not actually hitting your xbox ps i dont have action replay or xbox 360
and if you know how to get the golden banshee ir any other gold items please anser
and if anyone likes pokemon or zelda please tell me
umm anyone here
umm watever messege me at nitrokid9@yahoo.com
sorry I was thinking of my friend email sorry heres my email zeldarules@yahoo.com
so please messege me at zeldarules@yahoo.com
hello ppl im back
anyone here
ok….i really dont understand.Ive done evry way possible,but not modding.so i have tryed shooting the gate,shooting the bill bored.and,what is the hotel on metropolis?i know what the level is,just dont know were the hotel is….and what building is the “butten” on?
Sorry,i ment butten on headlong.