Quick code post – We’re working with a client who needs to be able to select imprecise dates – either an exact date, the month and year, or just the year. Most date pickers aren’t set to handle this case, and I didn’t really want to write one from scratch.
We were already using the JQuery Datepicker so with some Javascript magic, I turned it into a DatePicker with Month and Year.
First, I created a method to register a Date Picker, since we have them in many places:
function registerDatePicker(element) { $(element).datepicker({ changeMonth: true, changeYear: true, yearRange: 'c-100:c+10', beforeShow: function(input, inst) { setDateFromString(input); }}); $(element).focus(function() { $(this).datepicker('show'); if( $(this).datepicker('widget').find('tr#month-year-select').length == 0 ) { var tbody = $(this).datepicker('widget').find('tbody'); tbody.prepend('<tr id="month-year-select"><td colspan="3" align="center"><p class="ui-state-default" id="datepicker-month-select">Select Month</p></td><td><p> </p><td colspan="3" align="center"><p id="datepicker-year-select" class="ui-state-default">Select Year</p></td></tr>'); tbody.find('#datepicker-year-select').click(function() { pushYear(element) }); tbody.find('#datepicker-month-select').click(function() { pushMonthYear(element); }); } }); }
Notice that I’m adding in buttons to select the month or year right after the tbody. Because the Datepicker doesn’t actually select a date at default, or whenever you change the month or year, the following methods make the right thing happen:
function pushMonthYear(element) { var shortMonthString = $('.ui-datepicker-month option:selected').text(); var monthNames = $(element).datepicker("option", "monthNames") var shortMonthNames = $(element).datepicker("option", "monthNamesShort") var monthString = monthNames[shortMonthNames.indexOf(shortMonthString)]; var year = $('.ui-datepicker-year option:selected').text(); $(element).val(monthString + " " + year); $(element).datepicker("hide"); }
function pushYear(element) { var year = $('.ui-datepicker-year option:selected').text(); $(element).val(year); $(element).datepicker("hide"); }
Finally, because we want it to go to the right screen whenever there is something already in the box, there’s this method, called beforeShow:
function setDateFromString(element) { var dateString = $(element).val(); var createdDate = null; //Input element has '1994' if(dateString.length == 4) { createdDate = new Date(dateString, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0); $(element).val("1/1/" + dateString); //Input element has 'September 1994' } else if (dateString.split(' ').length == 2) { var splitDate = dateString.split(' '); var monthString = splitDate[0]; var year = splitDate[1]; var month = $(element).datepicker("option", "monthNames").indexOf(monthString) + 1; $(element).val(month + "/1/" + year); } }
Viola! A bit hackish, but it works well.
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